Evomet is a multidisciplinary consortium with a mission: to train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the cutting-edge science of metastasis progression.

As an Innovative Training Network (ITN), Evomet brings together universities, research institutes and non-academic institutions from across the world to train researchers to the doctorate level.

The training objectives of Evomet are to:

  1. Identify the genome of the founding cell clones that evolve throughout metastatic dissemination and treatment resistance (WP1: Cell Fate)
  2. Identify the mechanisms of invasion of the stroma and the adaptation of cancer cells to hostile environments during homing and colonisation of secondary organs (WP2: Environment)
  3. Understand the mechanisms by which cancer cells maintain low numbers after primary tumour resection (WP3: Latency)
  4. Identify the initial cellular populations and their potential interconversions, as well as potential for plasticity, adaptation and expansion at a distant site (WP4: Expansion)
  5. Provide the ESRs with a range of skills that prepare them for working both in and outside of academia
  6. Foster cooperation between research and business by exposing the ESRs to business and industry concepts and offering them specific training in related topics


Local training

All ESRs will be assigned an individual research project (IRP) which will be performed in at least three institutions. All Evomet’s academic institutions have excellent training programmes, including training in scientific, technical skills and transferable skills.

ESRs will have access to the following activities at the institutions:

Weekly meetings in which ESRs can discuss their results with peers and continuously learn about other on-going projects within the group.

Regular gatherings for researchers to discuss recent scientific publications, allowing for valuable exchange between scientists and dissemination of new findings among the scientific community.

Weekly or monthly meetings at the department and institutional level with speakers from the institution itself as well as invited external speakers.

ESRs from many of the consortium institutions organise their own PhD retreats, including presentations by PhD students, poster sessions, and opportunities for scientific exchange.

Many institutions offer career support through their Academic Offices.

All ESRs will be enrolled in universities that allow them to obtain a PhD degree.

ESRs will have a wide range of training opportunities at their host institution or the secondment centres.


Network-wide training

A series of events have been designed for the whole Evomet community. These events aim to foster the dissemination of the results generated by the network, exchange know-how and nurture additional collaborations. In addition, they provide training to ESRs on techniques and methodologies that are of interest for the Evomet network as well as on transferable skills needed for ESRs’ professional development. The events also expose ESRs to other research environments and sectors as well as to networking with other scientists at all levels.

Network-wide events will comprise three activities:

Four annual meetings will be organised during the project. They bring together all ESRs, their supervisors, invited researchers and members of the External Advisory Board. 

  • The first annual meeting in Barcelona focused on introductions: getting to know the other participants, understanding the main goals of Evomet as well as the training programme, and learning how to collaborate with each other.
  • The meetings included a frame-setting session, a course on science communication, scientific talks by supervisors and ESRs and networking.
  • Full programme here

Four annual meetings will be organised during the project. They bring together all ESRs, their supervisors, invited researchers and members of the External Advisory Board. 

  • The second annual meeting in Basel will focus on the settlement of the scientific projects: science, synergies, personal development, leadership, finding sinergies within Evomet and consolidating collaborations.
  • All of the meetings include courses on scientific and transferable skills, talks as well as networking and outreach activities.
A technical workshop on microscopy will be organised to ESRs halfway to the project. During the workshop lectures and research seminars will be combined with hands-on training activities in specific experimental techniques.

The results and conclusions obtained in the Evomet project will be presented at a final two-day conference. The conference will include presentations by ESRs and keynote lectures by researchers from fields related to the individual research projects.

Outreach activities

Evomet is fully committed to sharing information about its advances and benefits for cancer patients to the public. Communication and outreach activities will be integrated in the Evomet training programme and in the Personal Career Development Plan of each ESR.

The outreach activities include the following:

ESRs will receive specific training regarding the communication of their results to a general audience. In this regard, a workshop called “Narratives and formats in Science Communication” will be held during the first annual meeting of the project to introduce the basics of public communication.

ESRs will participate in three activities that are organised at the consortium level during the annual meetings. The day before each activity, ESRs will receive tailor-made training by Evomet’s associate partner Scienseed. 

  1. What is a scientist? An activity targeted to secondary school students uncovering the work of scientists.
  2. Microtalks: Each ESR will give a concise informal and interactive talk about their research to the general public in bars during the 4th annual meeting in Vienna.
  3. Animation: An animation video will be created to raise public awareness of the progress of Evomet. The script and storyboard will be established by the ESRs and technically developed by Scienseed.

All ESRs will present a press release of the outcomes of the project that have been accepted for a scientific paper.

More details on outreach activities will be published on the News page as they are confirmed.

Training materials